What to expect

What to expect

What to expect in your first visit

So, you’ve decided to take the step, make the call, and talk to a therapist.

We’re so glad you’re considering FACES. We know making that call can be uncomfortable sometimes so we’d like to give you an idea of what to expect when you take the step.


Seeing a therapist for the first time can be an intimidating experience. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible as you share your story.

— Anne Leggett, LPC, FACES of Virginia

Making the Call

You can reach FACES at 434-572-3200 or by contacting us online.

When you call, you’ll likely get an answering machine. The reason you may get an answering machine is that our office hours are by appointment. That way, we can schedule appointments that best meet your needs.

We have late afternoon and early evening appointments to suit work and school schedules. If you need an early morning appointment, we can usually accommodate that, as well.

You can leave a confidential message with your name, phone number and best time to call you back. One of our therapists will call you within 24 hours, although we are often able to return the call that same day.

When the therapist returns your call, he or she will talk to you a bit about what your concerns are and what you feel you need help with. This ensures that you are matched with the therapist who will best meet your needs.

The therapist will also discuss payment options. Whether you have insurance coverage or prefer private pay, we can work with you to develop a payment plan that is comfortable for you.

We want to be transparent from the beginning so you are not “blindsided” by an unexpected bill several sessions into treatment.

If you have insurance, we will get that information from you so we can contact your insurance company to determine your coverage. That way, you and the therapist can decide how to proceed with payment options. We take most major insurances and accept cash, check or credit card payments.

You and the therapist will set up a time for your first appointment. At that point, you may go online to our secure website and complete your confidential paperwork there or you may complete it in the office at your appointment.

Your First Appointment

Seeing a therapist for the first time can be an intimidating experience. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible as you share your story.

Your therapist will discuss with you a number of things to assess what your needs may be (with your input and opinion) and how therapy can help.

Topics which will likely be discussed at this first session are your current stressors, concerns, and symptoms, your general physical health, any medications you are taking, how things are going in your family, work, and social relationships, any history of traumatic or extremely stressful events in your life, alcohol and other substance use, and if you’ve seen a therapist before and what that experience was like (helpful or not helpful).

Your therapist will also likely ask what things are going “right” in your life. What coping skills/situations/relationships do you have that are helpful in managing your stressors or symptoms?

The fact is, most people have at least some skills that help alleviate the pain they’re experiencing. Our work is to help you strengthen the skills you have and develop additional ones to further experience relief.

Your first appointment will conclude with the question: what would like you to get out of this process? Or perhaps, how will you know when therapy is working – i.e. how will your life be different/improved? These questions help us develop specific goals for treatment and to guide our upcoming sessions with you.

We want you to be an active partner in this process.

When the goals are personal and meaningful to you, you are much more likely to make progress!
The therapist will also answer any questions or concerns you may have during this first appointment.

If, at any time, you feel like the therapist or the service provided is not a good fit, we are happy to discuss it with you and, if needed, refer you to another therapist here at FACES or in the community that may better suit your needs and wants.

If you have any questions or you’d like to set up an appointment, please call us at 434-572-3200.

Take the step.

Make the call.


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